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Saffire Freycinet has committed to donating $500 from each of the next one hundred bookings to restore habitat on Kangaroo Island, equating to $50,000, in the wake of devastating bushfires around the nation which have severely impacted fellow luxury lodge, Southern Ocean Lodge.

As an island community that also thrives on natural wilderness, biodiversity and tourism, the funds will be channelled directly to Nature Foundation SA’s new fundraising appeal, the Wildlife Recovery Fund, which focusses on habitat recovery in Kangaroo Island’s national parks and other fire-affected areas. The work carried out from this fund will be critical in the rehabilitation and survival of the island’s unique wildlife such as the endangered glossy black cockatoo, the disease-free koala population, and the critically endangered Kangaroo Island dunnarts, to name a few. This will in turn support the vitality of Kangaroo Island’s tourism industry and ensure that future generations are able to experience native island fauna in the wild.

Saffire Freycinet holds conservation and protection of biodiversity close to its heart, having worked for the last six years in close conjunction with Wildcare Tasmania, DPIPWE and the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program, and Menzies Research Institute.

To find out more information click here. 

To book accomodation go to Saffire Freycinet or phone direct on tel: +61 3 6256 7888

Tasmania is safe to visit and not affected, nor at immediate risk.  

We recommend staying updated with accurate information through Tourism Australia’s bushfire update page here.

Our hearts go out to all those around the country who have been affected or have lost loved ones, and we’re forever grateful to all the firefighters risking their lives for the safety of our communities and wilderness.