Local Aboriginal artworks create a vibrant space at Longitude 131º. Since taking over the helm of luxury outback camp Longitude 131º in 2013, Baillie Lodges founder and creative director Hayley Baillie has worked with First Nations artists in the Red Centre to commission artworks, ceramics, wood carvings and woven baskets for the main lodge and guest tents. A successful multi-faceted partnership with the Ernabella Arts Centre in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands has developed over the ensuing years to include a popular artists-in-residence program where the Ernabella artists paint in the main Dune House overlooking Uluru.
Ernabella Arts is one of Australia’s oldest, continuously running Indigenous Art Centre which promotes and supports ethical practice in the creation and sale of Indigenous art. Many central desert paintings draw on a long tradition of Tjukurrpa (sacred lore) paintings. At the same time, the artists are taking on a wider range of subjects, including historical narratives and contemporary stories about life in the community.
Commissions for artworks, major projects like the 500 tiles designed for the bar and an unforgettable ‘bespoke’ experience where guests can travel by fixed wing plane to visit the community and meet the artists as they work. Proceeds from the artwork commissions and sales contribute directly to the community’s income, ensuring the sustainable economic growth and preservation of culture for its residents.
For more details or to contact the lodge directly regarding this experience, please use the links below.