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Four nights completely dedicated to you in the comfort and sumptuous surrounds of the Lake House on lake Daylesford.

Book ahead for Wellness Retreat at Lake House
12 – 16 October 2014 or 11-15 January 2015

Take the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and learn to move your mojo. The program activities include a balance of rest and revitalisation through movement, meditation, wholesome food, gentle coaching and education.  This is not bootcamp; it’s an opportunity to refocus and re-energise yourself for the months and year to come. Hosted by Jo Brown – an internationally trained Mojo Mentor; highly regarded coach, and wellness professional who has worked in some of the top Health Retreats in Australia. She is passionate about creating a fun, motivational and inspiring environment that elicits profound and soulful change in participants. Jo draws from over two and a half decades of helping women to get back on track with their lives.  Through these Wild Wise Women Retreats Jo offers refreshing stress resilient tools and life direction strategies to help you relax, regroup and refocus, ensuring that your authentic goals emerge from the very core of who you are.
To book please visit the Lake House website or call +61 3 5348 3329