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Can you imagine a better gift to give a loved one then the opportunity to create core memories in the luxury coastal sanctuary of Freycinet? Saffire Freycinet’s accommodation packages offer an all-inclusive experience. Discreetly positioned overlooking the Hazards Mountains, Freycinet Peninsula and the pristine waters of Great Oyster Bay, Saffire Freycinet blends mankind and nature with breathtaking beauty.
You can expect breakfast lunch and dinner at your leisure including selected beverages, complimentary mini bar, selected lounge beverages and much more. Saffire’s complimentary range of activities gives you everything the east coast of Tasmania has to offer and provides options for every mood and every moment.
To purchase a gift voucher, please contact the Saffire Freycinet team on +61 3 6256 7888 or visit.
For more details, view the lodge website or contact the lodge directly below.