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Home to around 500 species of marine life and a favourite breeding ground for migrating seabirds, Lord Howe Island’s pristine environment is its greatest asset and well worth preserving. The World Heritage-listed island is home to a number of endemic bird species, as well as the recently rediscovered Lord Howe Island phasmid, or stick insect. Its remote location some 600-kilometres off Australia’s east coast means the residents and tourism operators need to carefully manage the supplies they bring onto the island and recycling waste on the island is a source of both challenge and pride. Plastics which often appear in the digestive systems of visiting seabirds have been particularly targeted on Lord Howe with island naturalist Ian Hutton leading a global campaign in the war against micro-plastics and single use items like bags and straws. BBC documentary Drowning in Plastic was partially filmed on Lord Howe and is set to air early this month.

Capella Lodge has for many years offered guests quality refillable water bottles. The property also harvests its rainwater, with a new 50,000-litre rainwater tank installed as part of the recent refurbishment storing water from the roof and contributing to around three-quarters or the lodge’s water requirements.